Friday, October 28, 2011

Cons of Battlefield 3 Since Release.

Ok, don't get me wrong I love Battlefield 3 and the Battlefield series. I always have and I always will, but there are some major bugs that need to be patched before this game is considered 'great' like they hyped it up to be. I play on PC. So these cons only apply to PC. Sorry consoles, from reading Battlefield 3's official Twitter account I can see that you guys are having way too many issues with server stability. Hopefully today's patch will fix it. The patch also adds horns to vehicles, YAY.

     1. Jets are awesome, but if you don't have a joystick it's like flying a bus in midair.
     2. Mobile Anti-aircraft is too good. I literally sat in our uncap with a AA vehicle and got 10 kills 0 deaths multiple times. They need to be toned down. It got so bad that people were getting mad at me because they couldn't fly for more than 5 seconds. Not my fault, blame DICE. Tone it down.
     3. Some of the maps are one sided. I mean that out of 100 games a possible 90% are going to be won by the same team. Balance it please.
     4. Texture bleeding. This was supposed to be fixed before release. Alot of times I'm running or aiming and I can't even see my weapon or sight. Really annoying.
     5. Green flickering during games. Another thing that was supposed to be fixed before launch. Fix it.
     6. Some spawn points are placed in the middle of an objective. This is bullshit, put the spawn point somewhere behind a wall or something, not directly in the middle right next to the flag.
     7. How hard would it be to have an immunity timer for 10 seconds after the round starts in hardcore mode. I'm tired of getting run over or shot by one of my teammates as soon as the game starts.
     8. The flak specialization is basically useless.
     9. Rush Mode - This is joke on half of the maps you can't even get past the first point because of the way it's designed. Fix it.
     10. Joining the squad you want to join is a hassle. Where's the old system from bfbc2?
     11. Flashlights on weapons. Another joke. Getting blinded from 2 clicks away is a joke. Getting blinded from a flashlight 300meters away during daylight in the desert sucks. Fix it damnit.
     12. Knifing people needs to be buffed out, it's too unpredictable in terms of where you have to be to knife someone.
     13. Dedicated servers running one map all day are sometimes getting bugged and cycling through all the maps including game modes that arent even supposed to be on that server. For example, I join an Operation Firestorm 24/7 server, after the round ends the map changes to rush damavand peak and it definately wasn't the admin because i'm talking to him.
     14. Sound. It's in and out, but I've noticed lately the sound goes out when I'm in the tank. Sometimes it goes out when I'm in a jet also. Alot of people are having issues with sound. I think DICE put so much focus on the graphics and destruction engine they forgot that the sound in the game is badass and could be over the top if the bugs are worked out.

Overall I'm very pleased with this game. I've had loads of fun playing an engineer. During the Alpha test I leveled assault and once you get smoke taking objectives in Rush becomes alot easier. In fact moving anywhere becomes easy with smoke, this is common knowledge in the military. Sniper = pop smoke and flank. During Beta I leveled my Sniper up. Great class to play once you start getting better weapons but I hope it doesn't end up like COD or bfbc2 where snipers are just OP and you have 3/4 of your team snipers.

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