Friday, March 25, 2011

Star Wars: The Old Republic's Space Combat Is Lacking Big Time

Today i got into a very good discussion on the Champions of the Force forums about the extremely lacking and pathetic space combat in star wars the old republic.

Yesterday 12:42 PM
Xorix Kerax
Senior Officer

Originally Posted by ragrose
I know that they have already said there wont be space PvP but i really wanna do a guild capital ship vs. a guild capital ship with all the player ships swarming around blasting at eachother.
With the current TOR space system (I like to call it Galaga on steroids) space is not a sanbox enviroment. In fact I would rather that they didn't even have it at this point. With the current system we have the worst enemy fighters in the galaxy attacking us.. All of them seem to over shoot us then sit there with their aft exposed for a hot minute just begging to be shot. You cant stop your ship, loop, or do anything other than fly straight, with the occasional banking from side to side and going where the game takes you.. "What if I don't feel like attacking the star destroyer.. Tough Shit youre going in"... If I sound biased its because I was apart of the top space squadron in Galaxies and I likes my space to be realistic.
Right now this mess reminds me a lot of the old NES Top Gun game with upgraded graphics.
As for the space combat, it really is like Starfox. Very linear, and not exactly what most of us probably hoped for. On the other hand, I thought Starfox was a fun as hell game, and I'm sure space combat will be fun in SWTOR, and a nice little break from the typical mmo gameplay.
This is where I read it first also. A couple darth hater interviews during PAX hinted at it. Guild capital ships will be exciting though I don't think PvP combat is necessary at this point. If the overall space system is eventually changed to a sandbox style flight sim, then maybe. With the way things are now though I think the capital will have the same purpose as personal ships: replacing player housing.
And as far as the rail shooter space game goes...I'm actually really excited. Rare is the occasion I like any of the side activities (I actually can't think of one right now) but I do think I'll enjoy a small distraction from the daily MMO grind.
I have a strong feeling that space will be an expansion pack. The amount of time needed to create a galaxy of different objects and planets and then on top of that be better than SWG space combat is quite a daunting task. Right now i think the developers will focus on the ground and then move to space and finish it off with another expansion if the fan-base remains solid. I enjoy SWG space combat in fact i still play it.

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